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00:00:02 - Introduction 00:01:50 - Coming Out with Friends and Family

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And it was largely remarkably easy, especially, like maybe not for my family, in

that I don't really know that I experienced like homophobia from them, but

especially my dad's side of my family was very much just like, "No, you aren't,"

which I bet has been fun for them as I've spent the last, what, like eight years

going, "Yes, I am." But with my friends and my community and the school that I

was in, it was very much not a big deal for anyone.

Danny Woomer:What sort of pushed to the "No, you're not." Were there any

specific examples?

Keywords: Asheville; Community; Homophobia; Prom; WNC

00:04:47 - Experience at WCU and UNC School of Law

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I had a reverse and it was very hard, especially starting in 2016,

right after the 2016 election, there was a strong wave of people who felt very

empowered to be very conservative and not empathetic to other people's

experiences, let me just say. And so, but I also think that I was very cushioned

by that because at the time I identified as a CIS woman and I still am very like

CIS woman passing, like you would look at me and think like that's a CIS woman

and a CIS white woman. So nobody is going to hurt me or do anything bad to me. I

got mostly some rude, like sexualizing comments, but like it's not ideal, but

it's fairly harmless. I never felt like unsafe and nobody ever like called me a

slur or anything.

Keywords: Asheville; GSA; Queer; Queer Affinity Groups; WCU

00:11:49 - Realization of Gender Identity and Quarantine

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Absolutely. So I think looking back and this is me maybe

falsely predicting scholarship trends, but I think there will be a big pool of

scholarship on the way that quarantine has caused people to self examine and

discover new facets of themselves.

So I have always not really fucked with gender. There have been times when I was

younger, like really young, like early elementary school where I would just like

randomly be like, I'm going to start wearing dude clothes all the time.

Keywords: Gender-Fluid; Quarantine; Self-Realization

00:16:13 - Using He/She/They Pronouns on a Daily Basis

Play segment

Partial Transcript: With identifying is he, she, they, how do you kind of, like I guess

you could just say like, you just know on like a daily basis, but what do you

want to talk about just [crosstalk]?

Lyd Shelley:Just how I use them?

Danny Woomer:Yeah. Not even that. Just kind of like what the experience is like.

Lyd Shelley:Clarifying question. Make it make sense to me. I don't know. I don't

know what the experience is like.

Danny Woomer:On like a day to day, it's a he day. How does that compare to a

they day?

Keywords: Femininity; He; Masculinity; She; They; Traditionality

00:18:12 - Jackson County and Quarantine in School's

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And then obviously, like this isn't my story to share, but it was

very much difficult for people to get their fucking heads around it. And I saw

that that was difficult for them. And there was a lot of dead naming, there was

a lot of issues with getting the pronouns right. And I think that very much

validates where I still am at, where I still am, where it's like, I'm not

sharing this with people who are just going to hurt my feelings.

Danny Woomer:Yeah. That's not fun.

Lyd Shelley:So, it is correct and it is right, but the he, she, they thing sort

of allows me to, like you can't dead name me. You can't use the wrong pronouns

for me because there are no, but to some extent, people who don't understand you

will never be equipped to respect you.

Keywords: COVID Classrooms; Dead Naming; Jackson County; Pronoun Usage; Quarantine; Zoom