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00:00:00 - Introductions

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Miriam: Your name is Antiga.
Antiga: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Miriam: Do you have preferred pronouns?
Antiga: Oh, she, she, she. Her, she, her.
Miriam: Yes, okay.
Antiga: That's is my preferred pronoun, yes.
Miriam: Okay. Do you mind telling me your birth year?
Antiga: Yes. I mean, I will. 1932.
Miriam: Okay. Do you mind telling me your race or ethnicity?
Antiga: I think I'm very white, whatever you put there.
Miriam: White, we've got a block for that.
Antiga: Okay. Ignore it.
Miriam: Where you were born? What city?
Antiga: Asheville.

Segment Synopsis: Innterviewee is introduced, identifying birth year, location, pronouns, etc.

Keywords: Asheville, North Carolina; Mission Hospital

00:02:27 - History of Childhood

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Antiga: All right. That's Asheville. {00:10:00} Okay. I went to Haw Creek Grammar School
for two years. My mother, who was raised in Southern Ohio, felt the schools down
here were terrible, so she changed me to Newton Academy as I went into third
grade. Of course, my sister was going into first grade, so I think that was
better for her. I met a woman. At that time, she was young, Mary Jane Shelton,
who was Jewish, unbeknownst to me about the anti-Semitism of my father, who
basically said, "You cannot have Mary Jane for a friend. You cannot have her
over here {00:11:00} for overnights, and she cannot have any of the privileges that anyone
else has." I was little. I couldn't do anything about that right then.
Antiga: Later on, I did something about it, but the later on was after we were
in high school. I wrote to her. I said, "I apologize for my father, who was
really bad, and blah, blah, blah."
Miriam: How did you feel about that?
Antiga: I hated it. Yes, I hated it. It seemed to me, it was none of his
business, and he should just stay out of it, but he was the {00:12:00} elder and he had a
say and I didn't have a say. Okay. I graduated from Newton Academy.

Segment Synopsis: Antiga discusses her childhood, her parents age difference, her sibling, her schooling, and how her father's antisemitism shaped her activism.

Keywords: Biltmore Avenue, North Carolina; Lee H. Edwards High School; Newton Academy; World War I; World War II; anti-semitism

00:17:17 - Nuclear Family, Was-Band, and Children

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Antiga: Yes, I met him.
Miriam: He's the one that your parents-
Antiga: Didn't like.
Miriam: Didn't like at all.
Antiga: He was Jewish, and they did not like that. They let me know about that.
Miriam: {00:21:00} You married him anyway, had kids with him.
Antiga: I did marry him anyway. I lived with him for 22 years, had four kids.
Then by that time, I thought, "This isn't working for me, so I'm gone. I'm
leaving," which I did, and which my younger son, still apparently, as far as I
can tell, holds against me, but I did have a talk with him. He hasn't been
willing to talk to me at all until recently. Finally, I called him, and he
called me back, so I had a small conversation with him recently. The one that's
in Thailand is in Thailand. He started out having a work assignment in Thailand.
Then he met, I don't even know her name, but he does have a girlfriend {00:22:00} who's
almost the same age as Emma, who is his daughter. Emma doesn't like that, so
there. That's that. She also has not been able to cut her ties with him.

Segment Synopsis: Antiga discusses meeting her husband, having kids, and her current relationship with her children and grandchildren.

Keywords: Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Divorce; Husband; anti-semitism

00:24:51 - Divorce, Relationships, and Coming Out

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Miriam: Can you say some more about that process of your deciding you wanted to
be with women rather than men?
Antiga: Okay. There was this Maiden Rock Women's Learning Institute, and we had
weekends. I went out to a weekend. I met a woman who was not at all monogamous,
but at that time, I didn't care. She, I got involved with her. Then little by
little, she stopped writing to me. After that, I was involved with somebody in
the Twin Cities. Her name is Løvetann. Løvetann means dandelion in Norwegian.

Segment Synopsis: Antiga discusses her divorce, how she decided to be with women, and her past with relationships.

Keywords: Maiden Rock Women's Learning Institute; coming out; divorce; lesbian

00:33:45 - Politics of Being a Lesbian

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Antiga: Okay. During my years in the interim, I did go to, where was it? It's
called Michigan, and they have made this, I think. I always say this or better
when I'm doing magic. I think they're making it something better than it used to
be, but I don't know yet. It's too soon, because Lisa Vogel was the main person
who was doing Michigan. It seemed that she just got tired of it. It had been 20
years, and there was a big controversy. The controversy, of course, was from the
people who are from my point of view, male, who want to get into women's rights.
That was, you can look at the, Woody Blue wrote a thing about that, and I think
you can put that as a supplementary document.

Segment Synopsis: Antiga discusses the controversy of fight for womyn's rights in misogynistic times, and the work she did for womyn's rights.

Keywords: 1969; Emma Willard Task Force on Education; Lesbian Connection; Lisa Vogel; National Organization for Women; Woody Blue; womyn

00:44:32 - Inspiration and Mentors

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Antiga: Cady Stanton, and Matilda wrote the Women's Bible. They took all the
things that mentioned women in the Bible, which were very few, and commented on
them. They did that. That was too much for Susan B. Anthony, so she wanted. She
actually finagled to get especially Matilda Joslyn Gage out of it, because she
was too liberal for Susan B. Anthony. She was trying for the South. She wanted
everybody to vote for women's suffrage, and she didn't think that they would do
that if Matilda Joslyn Gage was involved, which they might not have. I don't
know about that. She took her out. All right. There were two suffrage
associations. One was the national, and the other was the American Women's
Suffrage. The American was a little bit more conservative. Lucy Stone was in
that one, and her family, but when Susan B. Anthony put those two together, she
specifically fixed is so that Matilda Joslyn Gage couldn't be there.
Antiga: Matilda got, I can't remember what publication she started because of
that, but she did that. Susan B. Anthony had a more, she had a wider view of
what suffrage was, and in fact, 1848 was the first Women's Studies. You wouldn't
call it that. The first group that actually met to discuss it, and who was in
that was Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. Susan B. Anthony wasn't in it
yet. They started that, and 1848 is considered the beginning of the women's
movement in this country, which was that meeting in Seneca Falls, later on, the
meeting at Seneca Falls to, what? When they were trying to send a missile to
England, so they had it later on one of that to say, we don't like this. In
fact, there are some interesting songs that came out of that women's studies,
whatever that was, that. I'll tell you.

Segment Synopsis: Antiga discusses her mentors, her experience with them, and cites the power dynamics between them.

Keywords: Alice Paul; American Women's Suffrage; Elizabeth Cady Stanton; Lucretia Mott; Lucy Stone; Matilda Joslyn Gage; Seneca Falls; Susan B. Anthony; Women's Bible; Women's Movement 1848

00:54:56 - Back to Asheville

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Antiga: I think it's the mountains. These are the oldest mountains in the world,
and I have loved them from the time, when I was little, my mother would take us
up the mountain with a picnic. Back then, it was hairpin curves all the way, all
the way, all the way, all the way, until we got up on the top, and then she
would open her picnic basket, and we'd have a picnic up there. It's both a
memory, my early years here, {00:56:00} and my parents both loved the mountains. My father,
let's see. He was 70. Let's see. Just a minute. My mother was 38, and he was,
how old was he? Anyway, they both loved the mountains, and he was close enough
to retirement that he didn't have to move. If they wanted to send him somewhere,
he wasn't going to go.

Segment Synopsis: Antiga discusses why she moved back to Asheville after living elsewhere for much of her adult life.

Keywords: Asheville, North Carolina; Winston-Salem, North Carolina

00:57:52 - Growing Up with "Two Mothers"

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Antiga: When I was born, my mother hired Maybelle, a Black woman, because I
always had two mothers, up until the war. Then she got a better job, better
paying job out at the Oteen, being an orderly. There was no men left, so she got
that job, and she was there during the war. She was. She came back to work for
Mother after that. After that, Mother didn't need full-time because Maybelle was
full-time with us until the war. After the war, Maybelle came once a week or
whenever she came. She was, my mother was fierce. She said, "All right. Are you
paying social security for Maybelle?" If they weren't, they had Mother to answer
to about that. Maybelle did get enough social security to live.

Segment Synopsis: Antiga discussed the normalization of having two prominent women in her life growing up, and the classist barriers that were broken through this. Antiga also mentions she is in Hospice care, and cites another Oral History interview she did in Minnesota.

Keywords: Oteen, North Carolina; World War II

01:02:28 - Current Needs of Asheville Lesbians

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Antiga: All right, that's a good one. This is a bias of mine, so don't be
surprised, but to be called lesbian and not LGBT, that leaves lesbians out. That
does. {01:03:00} That would be my thinking of what was needed in Asheville.
Miriam: To be called lesbian.
Antiga: Yes.
Miriam: Rather than some other word.
Antiga: Some other word, precisely.
Miriam: Okay. Are there other needs that you can particularly think of?
Antiga: Let's see, name, importance. I think that's the main thing that I would
think of.

Segment Synopsis: Antiga discusses the current needs of lesbians in Asheville, identifying that LGBT is not her preferred way to be referenced.

Keywords: LGBT; lesbian

01:04:27 - Politics of Last Names

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Antiga: Because at this point in my life, I don't need one. I have had a last
name, as you can see, from my signature. Yeah. It's a preference not to have a
last name.
Miriam: Because?
Antiga: There are other people who do that. You may have or may not have heard
of Starhawk. She just goes by Starhawk, and I know what her name is, too. Let's
see. Who else? Rihanna uses just one name. Let's see. Who else? Let's see who
else I can think of. That's all I can think of right now.

Segment Synopsis: Antiga explains why she only goes by Antiga, and does not use a last name.

Keywords: last name; patriarchy